slide show

Monday, March 28, 2011


So I am pretty sure she that if there were a Gerber baby contest she would be the winner...well that is right behind my Lydia .')  hee     As you can see she is a beautiful....  Her name is Elle and she is a real SUPER Model!  She was so good, such a little trooper as we moved her around the house to get all different sides of her adorable self, she was a real natural!  :)
Her momma is Meredith ...who is also my awesome nieghbor :)  invited me into her home to capture this little doll baby photos again (I had taken a few when she was born) I asked her to jump in this time and as you can see they are both real beauties!

Thank you Meredith & Elle  .')  I certainly can't wait to get together again!


  1. Very cute! Beautiful girls for sure! I especially love the Elle booty shot :)

    Erica (Mere's cousin :))


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